She has a round little face and sleepy eyes which belie the fact that she’s a demon of a huntress – I should have named her Artemis after the Greek goddess. No butterfly is safe. No lizard awakening to spring sunshine can get away fast enough. I spend a lot of time supervising her antics, and am rather relieved when I can finally shut her and her siblings up for the night.

This little one has a thing for Ron and follows him everywhere, much to Raki’s skinny-eyed disgust.
They are both very affectionate, come at once when called and are so full of life that it’s an awful time waster to be around them. Delightful!
Notice how well camouflaged they are in sand and rocks.
The beautiful little goddesses have found their home. Looking at these photos I can feel the joy the sight of them must bring you each day. Purrr…
They are a real joy, endlessly amusing and devoted company for each other.
Excellent photos. Love the one of Anise heading straight into the camera, tail doing the question mark thing. Interesting that they seem to hang around together and not with the others.
They are definitely siblings and inseparable; they cry terribly when apart even for a few minutes, and sleep wrapped up together. Freddie says they came here with Bud, another kitten, and their mother while were were still in Austin. They were just being weaned, and he fed them. Good for Freddie! Not sure who the other kitten might have been, but rather suspect it’s a very pregnant one which has not been a regular visitor, and who’s very skittish. If she at least has the kittens close by and I can handle them, then I’ve a good chance of finding them homes through PAWS.